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FIDE Rated Standard Play held at same time as the qualifier for the LJCC. Prizes: U14 1. £100, 2. £60, 3. £40, Girl £60; U18 1st £150, 2nd £80, 3rd £50, Girl £80.

5th Twickenham Junior Chess Congress U18

Cập nhật ngày: 08.12.2023 12:55:30, Người tạo/Tải lên sau cùng: paul_mck

Tìm theo tên đấu thủ Tìm

Danh sách ban đầu

1Yu, Rock326519489000ENG17241970U14Rogue Rooks
2Mokhber-Garcia, Sebastian Cyrus328501499269ENG16221689U14Surrey Juniors
3Daniels, Quinton328231343419135ENG15301635U18St Michaels Steiner School
4Lapidus, Alexey31000924276111ENG15111783U14Richmond Juniors
5Lee, Yuk Hei331341343411061ENG14871465U14Richmond Juniors
6Clery, Liam340773343402879ENG14681785U18Richmond Juniors
7Palav, Mayank313444469335ENG13961533U14Reading Chess Club
8Nilim, Armaan328949343411916ENG13431369U14Nw London
9Zeynalli, Nial344984343404332ENG13421409U14Epsom
10Lowe, Catherine330153496715ENG01266wU14Richmond Juniors
11Sengupta, Sohana317894343402950ENG12491452wU18St Pauls Girls School
12Brennan, Jonathan325886343415784ENG01246U18Richmond Juniors
13Frydman-Orsteen, Oscar340750343402895ENG01226U14Richmond Juniors
14Zalke, Paras342746ENG01160U18Richmond Juniors
15Ewart, Thomas330017343428290ENG11241289U14Ravenscourt Park Prep School
16Koeung, Alexander31660541805305POL11081257U18Richmond Juniors
17Kapitanski, Furion3500252954630BUL10741258U14Lewisham
18Jiang, Patrick318852487104ENG0984U14Twickenham Prep
19Wen, Max342090343402992ENG0928U14Richmond Juniors
20Fang, Hao359515ENG00U14Richmond Juniors
21Gujarathi, Aarav35978333468052IND00U14Cambridge
22Liu, Anbo354406343425089ENG00U14Richmond Juniors
23Liu, Andrew349684ENG00U14Richmond Juniors
24Martinez, Nicolas348238ENG00U14Richmond Juniors
25Rahardjo, Josh331345ENG00U14Richmond Juniors
26Silwal, Krish360302ENG00U14Richmond Juniors