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DAME DU GOLFE CLASSIQUES AOUT 2023 Վերջին արդիացում07.08.2023 20:30:03, Creator/Last Upload: fidec
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | | Franck Anderson, Nean | 20802617 | CIV | 1943 |
2 | | | Nirina Harijaona, Letsara | 13100505 | CIV | 1702 |
3 | | | Mazan Emmanuela Esther, Ayemou | 20803036 | CIV | 1544 |
4 | | WCM | Marie, Yavo Tchetche | 20800266 | CIV | 1454 |
5 | | | Ezan Sam Palm Olivier, Sam | 20803524 | CIV | 1443 |
6 | | | Akissi Victoire Sinchie, Ayemou | 20803044 | CIV | 1195 |
7 | | | Zotta Marcelle Aurore Regine, Gba | 20804237 | CIV | 1039 |
8 | | | Franck, Boulade | 20804440 | CIV | 0 |
9 | | | Doua Jean Yves Martial, Dosso | 20802935 | CIV | 0 |
10 | | | Roux Nicolas, Le | 20803222 | CIV | 0 |