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2023 FM Philip Corbin Open

Last update 02.08.2023 02:34:36, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1IMHusbands, Orlando11101644BAR2298
2FMCorbin, Philip11100036BAR2005
3Lynch, Kemp11101377BAR1905
4WCMFigueroa, Julissa7300450BAR1676
5Thompson, Boris11100990BAR1645
6Wilson, Louis11104368BAR1587
7Roachford, Adam11104627BAR1564
8Herbert, Allan11100206BAR1501
9Harewood, Othneil11100168BAR1464
10Grant, Travis11105399BAR1426
11La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1396
12Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1170
13Berry, Alexander11104988BAR0
14Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR0
15Sparman, Alfred11106042BAR0
16Springer, Leshay11105690BAR0
17Stuart, Charis11106921BAR0
18Waldron, Owen11107120BAR0
19King, Ernest11106050BAR0