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Campeonato Paulista Seniores 2023 - Feminino 50+ e 65+

Last update 06.08.2023 23:08:22, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

Starting rank list of players

1Patino Vargas, Norma Adilia2023000534400593COL1842wPMFC
2De Souza, Eliana Aparecida20220026822770615BRA1668wEX Osasco
3Francelli, Derli2023000602101122BRA1567wPMFC
4Dutra, Liliam Guedes2022002322136619BRA1511wLXSBC
5Alquem, Claudia Regina20220023322725326BRA1310wLXSBC