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1er Torneo Regional de Ajedrez "80 Aniversario del SNTSS"

Last update 29.07.2023 20:47:25, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos

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Starting rank

1CMLopez Rueda, Juan Pablo5109701MEX1950Slp
2Landeros, Herrera Jesus ErnestoMEX1606Dgo
3Rodriguez, Vargas Kevin ArnoldMEX1492Dgo
4Walle, Serrano PedroMEX1283Zac
5Gonzalez Campillo, Jose GuadalupeMEX0Slp
6Marin Santos, AdolfoMEX0Ags
7Solis Rodriguez, AlbertoMEX0Ags
8Valdez Venegas, Efrain EduardoMEX0Zac