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2nd Rapid Chess Square July 2023

Last update 30.07.2023 21:33:33, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1TER-GEVORKIAN GIANNISGRE 18b1 13w1 2b1 4w1 3b½ 8w15,52114,55
2ORNITHOPOULOS NIKOLAOSGRE 17w1 12b1 1w0 7b1 9w1 4w1520,5135
3SANTORINAIOS IAKOVOSGRE 14b1 6w1 4b0 5w1 1w½ 7b14,523,515,54
4BREGADZE NIKAGEO 20b1 11w1 3w1 1b0 12w1 2b0420,5154
5SIOURDAKIS EFSTRATIOSGRE 7w0 10b1 15w1 3b0 14w1 9b1419124
6AFMPOTHOS ARISGRE 16w1 3b0 19w1 9b0 10w1 12b1416,510,54
7PAPAHRISTOUDIS ANASTASIOSGRE 5b1 8w½ 11b1 2w0 13b1 3w03,522,5153
8AFMKYRIAKIDIS ORESTISGRE 10w1 7b½ 12w0 19b1 16w1 1b03,518113
9CHALIKIAS MILTIADISGRE 13b0 18w1 14b1 6w1 2b0 5w0319,5133
10CHALIKIAS SPYRIDONGRE 8b0 5w0 20b1 11w1 6b0 13w1317133
11KARLIS NIKOLAOSGRE 19w1 4b0 7w0 10b0 15w1 16b1316,5113
12SEHAS NIKOLAOSGRE 15b1 2w0 8b1 13w½ 4b0 6w02,521,5142
13GRIGORAKIS GEORGIOSGRE 9w1 1b0 17w1 12b½ 7w0 10b02,519,5122
14BAKALAKOS LEONIDASGRE 3w0 16b1 9w0 15b½ 5b0 20w12,51611,52
15MASTICHIADIS DIMITRIOSGRE 12w0 17b1 5b0 14w½ 11b0 18w12,515,5102
16VLAVIANOS GEORGIOSGRE 6b0 14w0 18b1 20w1 8b0 11w0214,510,52
17PANAIDIS FRAGKISKOSGRE 2b0 15w0 13b0 18w0 20b1 19b121382
18MASTICHIADIS MARKOSGRE 1w0 9b0 16w0 17b1 19w½ 15b01,516,59,51
19BARTZOS IASONASGRE 11b0 20w1 6b0 8w0 18b½ 17w01,514101
20VAFIAS RAFIL FILIPPOSGRE 4w0 19b0 10w0 16b0 17w0 14b00159,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable