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DGT boards: 1-3

22nd European Youth Rapid Championship 2023 - Girls 8

Last update 05.10.2023 18:29:06, Creator/Last Upload: slochess

Player overview for DEN

16Skytte Amanda0DEN000110000216Girls - 8
19Derlich Sarah Sima1389DEN0111½00115,59G-14
20Skytte Robert1385DEN1001½1½11613O-10
20Sandmann Villads Majvang1660DEN11010111174O-12
41Bekmukhanov Sauran1417DEN110010111618O-12

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Skytte Amanda02 0 - 14 Grigore Melania-Cristina1017
Derlich Sarah Sima1389 1 - 0 Paulic Franka1298
Markovcic Gregor10525 0 - 15 Skytte Robert1385
Bubelo Mykola1868 0 - 16 Sandmann Villads Majvang1660
Bekmukhanov Sauran14175 1 - 05 Ivancic Ivan1651

Player details for DEN

Skytte Amanda 0 DEN Rp:811 Pts. 2
17Gutserieva Bierta1034UKR6,5s 0
210Ljaljic Nora0CRO5s 0
312Maracic Karla0CRO4w 0
415Seemann Nina0POL0s 1
511Loncarevic Ana0SLO1w 1
618Vukotic Simeona0MNE3s 0
76Zupancic Zara1058SLO4w 0
82Gombosi Zarja1169SLO4s 0
98Grigore Melania-Cristina1017ROU5w 0
Derlich Sarah Sima 1389 DEN Rp:1532 Pts. 5,5
15Caku Kler1724ALB8w 0
226Jesih Teja1174SLO3s 1
329Ficko Zoja1037SLO1,5w 1
413Balazs Szabina Zoe1485HUN5s 1
57Zagorac Lara1656CRO5,5w ½
63Korolchuk Vladyslava1778UKR5s 0
78Jankovic Tamara1570SRB6,5s 0
822Krevh Hana1350SLO4w 1
924Paulic Franka1298CRO4,5w 1
Skytte Robert 1385 DEN Rp:1326 Pts. 6
150Samoylov Denys1043UKR4,5s 1
24Beniosev Daniel1753LAT6w 0
340Momot Glib1134UKR6s 0
439Malaric Nikola1162CRO4w 1
535Veber Tibor1183SLO4s ½
654Atamanchuk Dmytro0UKR4,5w 1
718Kovacik Oliver1419SVK4,5s ½
846Mihic Peter1061SLO5w 1
949Markovcic Gregor1052SLO5s 1
Sandmann Villads Majvang 1660 DEN Rp:1917 Pts. 7
166Jursa Juraj1192SVK4,5s 1
243Biti Tin1382CRO3,5w 1
33Gibala Adam2057POL6s 0
437Crnjakovic Tom1448SLO4,5s 1
51FMGloeckler Christian2185GER7,5w 0
640Pidluznij Matvej1419LTU4,5w 1
76Bod Marton1897HUN6s 1
811Bara Jan1823CZE6w 1
910Bubelo Mykola1868UKR5,5s 1
Bekmukhanov Sauran 1417 DEN Rp:1623 Pts. 6
187Sinkovic Lakner Lukas0SLO2,5w 1
218Matejka Simon1729SVK6s 1
36Bod Marton1897HUN6w 0
422Matiievskyi Rostyslav1636UKR5,5s 0
593Williams Thomas0SLO3,5w 1
624Constantinoiu Alexandru Ioan1628ROU6s 0
763Zupanic Tit1223SLO4,5w 1
819Stojkovic Andrej1722CRO5s 1
921Ivancic Ivan1651CRO5w 1