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Campeonato Paulista Veteranos 2023 - Absoluto 65+

Last update 06.08.2023 23:08:14, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

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Starting rank list

1IMVan Riemsdijk, Herman C.2022000922100053BRA2263S65Campo Limpo
2Rosa, Jose Antonio2022003482105780BRA2002S65
3Vallejos, Jose Adolfo02105918BRA1873S65*
4Hirota Da Silva, Nilton02101700BRA1827S65*
5Van Riemsdijk, Dirk D.2022003652100487BRA1789S65APCEF/SP
6Vieira, Alexandre Letizio2023003452151545BRA1663S65ECP
7Eto, Milton022708286BRA1619S65*LXSBC