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Colombus International Chess Day

Last update 21.07.2023 13:07:07, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Starting rank

1Berezovsky, Fiorina5400651MNC1605
2To, Nam Long551059266MNC1405
3Samorukov, Egor5401062MNC1212
4Pugachev, Sergej5400880MNC1197
5Kriuchkov, Nikita5401321MNC1192
6To, Nam5402204MNC1113
7Samorukov, Boris5401070MNC1066
8Forgione, Alexander5401151MNC1047
9Korotenko, Artem5401720MNC999
10Ignatov, Andrii5401798MNC930
11Wilson, Alexander80405231FRA800
12Bakaldin, Egor5402000MNC799
13Cohen, Aden5402425MNC799
14Cohen, Amani5402417MNC799
15Di Grassi, Leonardo5402220MNC799
16Haly, Leonard5402409MNC799
17Ignatova, Zoya5401801MNC799
18Markin, Aleksandr5402140MNC799
19Misarenko, Damir5402271MNC799
20Sithamparapillai, Harry Haran5402077MNC799
21Versace, Daniel5401976MNC799
22Viale, Timur5401631MNC799