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Khana Khazana July Rapid Tournament U18

Last update 23.07.2023 13:42:18, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank list

1Alyan, WalliTAN0
2Anahi, ShahTAN0
3Deeksha, PatheebanTAN0
4Enrico, BarrettoTAN0
5Filbertha, DemelloTAN0
6Harini, DoshiTAN0
7Hashwit, Sai PolepallyTAN0
8Hriday, RajTAN0
9Kahil, WalliTAN0
10Kailash, PartheebanTAN0
11Keira, AndrisTAN0
12Kiyaan, BhattbhattTAN0
13Maryam, PanyaTAN0
14Mohammed, LakhaTAN0
15Shivam, M KariaTAN0
16Vansh, KulshresthaTAN0
17Yash, PanjwaniTAN0