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Fatum Nationale Jeugdkampioenschappen 2023 - U14 klasse

Last update 23.07.2023 19:56:04, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank list

1Wijnhard, Ky-mani14326868SUR1420
2Kartodikromo, Yannick8203865SUR1405
3Jankie, Yash8204136SUR1229
4Sloote, Joraino Ezechiel8205604SUR1011
5Baank, Zanae MarisolSUR0
6Boerleider, GiorginhoSUR0
7Cheung, Immanuel8205523SUR0
8Debidien, RochielSUR0
9Del Castilho, NathanSUR0
10Dipotiko, Le-jaySUR0
11Djojopawiro, NathanSUR0
12Elliot, KeenanSUR0
13Fong, RamiroSUR0
14Francis, AlexanderSUR0
15Gummels, DamianSUR0
16Ho, JaydenSUR0
17Imambaks, Safia8205566SUR0
18Jong A Lock, Lucas8204330SUR0
19Kalloe, VidhurSUR0
20Kalpoe, AlexanderSUR0
21Karijosemito, JaydenSUR0
22Kewalapat, IshitaSUR0
23Modiwirjo, KeshawnSUR0
24Orasji, Roger8205663SUR0
25Pansa, RomelviejaSUR0
26Pernosoekotjo, Cefar8205965SUR0
27Rambali, SanajaSUR0
28Samuels, JoshuaSUR0
29Setroredjo, ShaeSUR0
30Sheombar, AbhirushSUR0
31Wu, Elise8205760SUR0
32Zaalblok, ArgillSUR0