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Fatum Nationale Jeugdkampioenschappen 2023 - U18 klasse

Seinast dagført23.07.2023 19:17:30, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

Search for player Leita


1Yeung, Jason8203970SUR1664
2Kaslan, Victoria8202230SUR1523
3Warsodikromo, Quincy8204195SUR1402
4Marsio, Jair8205400SUR1305
5Lew, Michah8203598SUR1076
6Boedhoe, Rinesh8204713SUR0
7Dhamsahai, Sarah LakshmiSUR0
8Jhingur, Neal8203571SUR0
9Kalloe, ShakielSUR0
10Kalloe, Vivekanand8204543SUR1308
11Klimsop, IvanitoSUR0
12Poleon, FrancesSUR0
13Sookhlal, ShivamSUR0
14Voorburg, Rishi8205477SUR0
15Wirjoinangoen, HardySUR0
16Wongsoredjo, Mary-Lou8205426SUR0