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Jammu District Open Chess tournament Hotel Nek below Gumat Jammu

Last update 11.07.2023 10:03:21, Creator/Last Upload: Yadav School of Chess

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Starting rank

1Sumit grover,IND1960
2s.p Sharma,IND1807
3Atul gupta,IND1770
5Ashutosh jamwal,IND1502
6Aakash Bhatia,IND1450
7Pazhnay Kohli,IND1346
8Manoj Kohli,IND1240
9Navdeep singh,IND1186
10Anand Swaroop,IND1072
11Ishwam kawatra,IND1029
12Aahana Gupta,IND0
13Agrim Sharma,IND0
14Anuraj singh,IND0
15Gurveer Singh,IND0
16Hitesh singh Pathania,IND0
17lakshya Puri,IND0
18Maqtaza shakeel,IND0
19Panache gupta,IND0
20Rithvik Gandotra,IND0
21shivam Avrol,IND0
22Ubaid Ali mir,IND0
23Viraj Raina,IND0