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Round 1 starts at 09:30 GMT Saturday 4th November.

10th Witney Weekend Congress Under 2000

Darrera actualització07.11.2023 20:18:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Freshwak

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Rànquing inicial

1Obi, Okwose Marc300759ENG1979
2Sieczkowski, Adam327403POL1947
3Tomboline, David120479WLS1933
4Dooley, Max265312ENG1903
5George, Richard M111155ENG1900
6Ewart, David W110382ENG1894
7Staniland, Philip163977ENG1883
8Chua, Sebastien360040MAS1838
9Murrell, Mark RA116012ENG1811
10Holmes, Matthew A192683ENG1810
11Lawrence, Spencer340737ENG1799
12Bryant, Jeffrey187461ENG1659
13Imam-Sadeque, Ali291919ENG1657
14Beattie, Conor340417ENG1623
15Hu, Junyan340490ENG1398