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Campeonato Regional Individual Absoluto 2023 - fase preliminar 2

Seinast dagført22.07.2023 01:30:28, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

Search for player Leita


1Fernandes, Luís de Pina23600179CPV1633
2Santos, Steven23602058CPV1534
3Neves, Diogo Alexandre23600896CPV1525
4Fortes, Aires23600993CPV1502
5Mões, Carlos Joaquim1928104CPV1482
6Silva, Victor Andrade Cruz23600411CPV1475
7Gomes, Tiago Augusto Melo23600705CPV1448
8Fonseca, Arlindo23600187CPV1417
9Andrade, Manuel Germano23600438CPV1312
10Costa, Hermes23600136CPV1295
11Fonseca, Adilson23602163CPV1292
12Lopes da Cruz, João Baptista23600350CPV1258
13Silveira, Platão23601027CPV1210
14Lima, José Calazans Maurício23600268CPV1150
15Carvalho, João23600675CPV0
16Dias, Leonel Martinho23601744CPV0
17Gabriel, MarcosCPV0
18Lopes e Castro, Dionísio Amadeu23601906CPV0
19Rodrigues Lima, Flávio EmiterCPV0