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Montague Congress U2300

Last update 21.08.2023 12:41:21, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Unnikrishnan, Midhun P5074940IND2168
2Ogunshola, Ben8500231NGR2118
3CMLalic, Peter D416711ENG2113
4Brackmann, Hendrik12905135GER2034
5Wells, Daniel J414581ENG1989
6Badacsonyi, Stanley486973ENG1980
7Cannon, Richard J408670ENG1977
8Salmons, Calum437280ENG1977
9Liu, Tianyi (Jack)8627894ENG1970
10Rogers, Tim L418137ENG1963
11Prasath, Malola Ts5017033IND1955
12Keohane, Ben433950ENG1946
13Willis, Richard465216ENG1924
14Bathula, Abhinav Reddy35005693IND1910
15Manmay, Chopra25649191IND1899
16AIMSanitt, Ethan427462ENG1862
17Sommerbauer-Cornell, Ben494712ENG1849
18Airlie, Arran442011ENG1802
19Llewellyn, Julian D484750ENG1790
20Vyas, Alisha461318ENG1746
21Takvorian, Sebouh430960ENG1709
22Delidimoudis, Konstantinos25845632GRE1614
23ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav491462ENG1597
24Nargund, Sujan498424ENG1480
25Taylor, Greg343410600ENG1457