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2015 Oromiya under 17 championship

Darrera actualització07.07.2023 17:50:02, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Dejen

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Rànquing inicial

1Abel Meseret,ETH0
2Ahmed Kemal,ETH0
3Andualem Asnake,ETH0
4Bereket Wondumu,ETH0
5Cherinet Eshetu,ETH0
6Dagim Haile,ETH0
7Daniel Dejene,ETH0
8Dawit Fikadu,ETH0
9Firaol Mekonen,ETH0
10Henok Meseret,ETH0
11Kenenisa Mulualem,ETH0
12Kenesa Nura,ETH0
13Kidus Solomon,ETH0
14Korsa Dawit,ETH0
15Lalisa Biratu,ETH0
16Mihret Eshetu,ETH0
17Naol Biruk,ETH0
18Natnael Abera,ETH0
19Sami Girma,ETH0
20Samuel Mulugeta,ETH0
21Tabib Selomon,ETH0
22Yeabsira Gebrewoldi,ETH0
23Yidnekachew Samuel,ETH0