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Les bĂȘtises de Cambrai 2023

Last update 14.08.2023 21:38:52, Creator/Last Upload: Benjamin MARRET

Starting rank list of players

3FMDefromont, Benjamin36068829FRA2445
4GMDgebuadze, Alexandre203882BEL2433
9FMMaerevoet, Sim241725BEL2414
5IMEugene, Floryan20694784FRA2384
2FMDe Waele, Warre241156BEL2350
8IMLucas, Arthur26093073FRA2326
7FMLenaerts, Lennert211435BEL2325
6FMGeorgescu, Lena1331973SUI2317
10FMRodriguez, Adrien20691866FRA2300
1Arcelin, Gael45185786FRA2158