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Segundo Torneo Categoria Sub 12 "Feria de San Pablo del Monte"

Senast uppdaterad05.07.2023 17:21:03, Creator: WWW.ALBORZC.COM,Last Upload: José Luis Gutiérrez Juárez

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1Carmona Palomeque, MaximoMEX1550
2Carro Vera, ValentinaMEX1150
3Cabildo Juárez, JozefMEX0
4Calyecac Garcia, Jesus R.MEX0
5Castañeda Gaspariano,MEX0
6Coria Atlatenco, AxelMEX0
7Dominguez Perez, XimenaMEX0
8Galindo Cruz, LizethMEX0
9Guevara Olmos, ErnestoMEX0
10Juarez Gomez, Axel MateoMEX0
11Organillo Capilla, MaximoMEX0
12Osorno Zempoaltecat, FridaMEX0
13Perez Marquez, AngelMEX0
14Perez Sanchez, Diego EleazarMEX0
15Pluma Calva, JoseMEX0
16Potrero Romero, Marco A.MEX0
17Roman Garcia, Jesus G.MEX0
18Salas Salas, Iker S.MEX0
19Sanchez Tlapale, Anthony A.MEX0