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2023 Winter Open Chess Tournament

Posledná aktualizácia 02.07.2023 16:23:47, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Štartová listina

1Ts'ephe, Lebajoa21302197LES1774
2Khalema, Sechaba14317176LES1765
3Motsamai, Bokang21301441LES1569
4Mahommed, George21302898LES1486
5Nkalimeng, Kananelo21302855LES1368
6Ntsielo, Bonolo21301921LES1347
7Palamo, Makhele21300437LES1340
8Thetsane, Nteboheleng21301930LES1269
9Taioe, Reitumetse21300658LES1218
10Bokang, Nthole21303509LES1041
11Makhakhe, Hlalele21303746LES0
12Makhetha, Motlohi21303754LES0
13Mochela, Mphuthi21303703LES0
14Moeletsi, Katleho21303738LES0
15Phakisi, Katleho21303088LES1133
16Pondo, Tatenda11004541ZIM1462
17Semano, Neo21303720LES0
18Senohe, Chaka21303398LES0