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Contact : Joel Gautier -
Last round Saturday 10am followed with Prize Ceremony

Tournoi à norme de Maitre - Barreau de Paris/Cercle des Armées 2023

Վերջին արդիացում09.09.2023 20:44:50, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

7IMRoshka, Yevgeniy14129558UKR2501
9IMDuboue, Peio654833FRA2462
5IMVlachos, Anatole26093189GRE2430
2FMBassini, Emile26084074FRA2382
4FMBonte, Andrei-Mihai1210297ROU2340
3FMWillems, Niels20695586FRA2337
6FMMouhamad, Joachim656410FRA2301
1WGMNavrotescu, Andreea675946FRA2228
10FMLazo, Andrei13901605MDA2212
8FMLaurent, Julien G.618500FRA2199