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Eliminatoire CDC individuel 2023 - Centre

Senast uppdaterad31.07.2023 11:19:09, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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1Donkeng, Hussel16401794CMR18500FaF
2CMMakem, Pierre11000805CMR18121921YCC
3Anguissa, Abega Arsene16401123CMR00YCC
4Dalagon, BorisCMR00BCC
5Djoumessi, LeonardoCMR00BCC
6Mbaale, Paul Gerard16400780CMR01816YCC
7Messinga, Jean Jordan Noe16401689CMR01920FaF
8Minali, Benoit Eric15800075CMR00FaF
9Ngangoua, CastilloCMR00FaF
10Onanena, Tsobo Landry16401654CMR00FaF