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Eliminatoire CDC individuel 2023 - Littoral

Last update 30.07.2023 15:31:32, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Yenke, Mbeuyo Marius16401468CMR18431859DISC
2Zebaze, Dongmo Loic Dylane16401107CMR18191923DISC
3Metuno, Kuete Bleriot Rocalixt16401131CMR17991918SCC
4Lobe, Belhe Prosper16401190CMR16171887SCC
5Ngoupaye, Talee Carles16401751CMR01684PCCA
6Tanko, Eli16400453CMR01669SCC
7Djadchin, AymardCMR00DISC
8Foccart, Dasmat16401441CMR00DISC
9Hoballah, RyanCMR00DCA
10Mbarga, YannickCMR00DISC
11Ngongang, ElvisCMR00SCC
12Tanko, ZackCMR00SCC
13Tene Ebosse, Victor SamuelCMR00DCA
14Wagua, AlexisCMR00DCA