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29th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Juniors U16

Last update 25.08.2023 20:46:22, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for ARM

9Tokhyan Feliks1634ARM101111½117,55Juniors
42Sahakyan Hamlet1294ARM110110½116,524Juniors

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
Tokhyan FeliksU161634 1 - 0 Dumankyzy AlfarabiU161510
Youssef MohamedU141124 0 - 1 Sahakyan HamletU121294

Player details for ARM

Tokhyan Feliks 1634 ARM Rp:1532 Pts. 7,5
1140Alghafli Saeed0UAE2w 1
283Faizan Farooque1152IND6s 0
3144Ali Saif Alblooshi0UAE2,5w 1
4111Arz Bhatia1031IND5,5w 1
553Shah Shubh Jaideep1252KEN5,5s 1
634Yeshwant Saravanan1389IND6s 1
721Komekbayev Ramazan1500KAZ6,5w ½
822Sindarov Feruz1496UZB5,5s 1
918Dumankyzy Alfarabi1510KAZ6,5w 1
Sahakyan Hamlet 1294 ARM Rp:1415 Pts. 6,5
1175Dauren Assanali0KAZ4s 1
2121Abdulaziz Rashed Marshool0UAE2,5w 1
31CMMayank Chakraborty2322IND8s 0
4103Filippova Milana1084KAZ5w 1
5141Alhaj Ahmad Karam.0SYR6s 1
619Zhang Haoxuan1504CHN7w 0
780Rudra1158IND5,5s ½
8107Advik Mundhada1049IND4,5w 1
991Youssef Mohamed1124MAR5,5s 1