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June 18-Blitz

Last update 18.06.2023 13:13:15, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank

1Garrison, Kyle31001319GUM1704
2Tran, Tuan An31002706GUM1559
3Nacario, Ruth31000541GUM1455
4Combs, Daniel31000703GUM1441
5Javelosa, Jayce Caleb31002897GUM1151
6Combs, Noah31000711GUM1135
7Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
8Daryanani, Vinay31003346GUM0
9Galang, Luke31002196GUM0
10Gloton, Maria Teresa31002790GUM0
11Gunn, William31001530GUM1591
12Huffington, Taylor31003354GUM0
13Lu, Albert31001955GUM0
14Lu, Mira31001947GUM1234
15Oh, Aiden31003281GUM0
16Tran, Tiffany31002900GUM0
17Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM0