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UKCC East Kent Megafinal 2023 - U8

Last update 18.06.2023 17:26:24, Creator/Last Upload: UKCC

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Starting rank

1ASHCROFT, Arthur1093U7Crowborough
2KULIBAEV, Richard894U8Wallace Chess
3ALPEEV, Donir607U8Coulsdon Chess Club
4BENAYAHU, Tomer578U7Sandwich
5SHCHEPINOV, Mark405U7Kent *
6BACHMANN, Niall0U8Bridge *
7COCKBURN-SMYTH, Alfie0U8Bridge *
8KHAN, Oliver0U8Bridge *
9KRASTEV, Alex0U7Kent *
10ROSTAM, Yahya0U7Maidstone *
11WANG, Joshua0U8Canterbury Junior