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Summer Rapid 2023 - Novice SectionՎերջին արդիացում18.06.2023 21:35:56, Creator/Last Upload: CICF
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Ahmad, Haris | | CAY | 0 | Cayman Prep |
2 | | Blackwood, Ross | | CAY | 0 | Calvary Baptist Christian Acad |
3 | | Dimitrova, Lia | | CAY | 0 | Cis |
4 | | Franklin, Chad | | CAY | 0 | Cis |
5 | | Franklin, Owen | | CAY | 0 | Cis |
6 | | Graham, Dez | | CAY | 0 | Triple C |
7 | | Gray, Euan | | CAY | 0 | |
8 | | Jennings, Jonte | | CAY | 0 | Triple C School |
9 | | Krishnakumar, Dhruva | | CAY | 0 | Cayman International School (C |
10 | | Krishnakumar, Kapila | | CAY | 0 | Cayman International School (C |
11 | | Krishnakumar, Sahasraa | | CAY | 0 | Cayman International School [c |
12 | | Majid, Zara | | CAY | 0 | Cayman International School |
13 | | Padua, Don | | CAY | 0 | Truth For Youth School |
14 | | Patil, Anvita Niranjan | | CAY | 0 | First Baptist Christian School |
15 | | Shibu, Shri Gowri | | CAY | 0 | Triple C |