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Summer Rapid 2023 - Open Section

Last update 20.06.2023 15:03:33, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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Starting rank list

1Shaw, Clifford33100101CAY1652
2Chinake, Kudakwashe33100179CAY1622
3Tracey, Shaun419052CAY1620
4Abalos, Gilbert33100136CAY1564
5Mason, Ian426296CAY1548
6Powell, Malcolm7404719CAY1240
7Bush, Enfield7404662CAY1210
8O'rourke, Aidan33100268CAY1104
9Sinton, Luc33100098CAY1094
10Dookhy, Sastry33100349CAY0
11Lualhati, Jay-Ar33100390CAY0
12Martin, Israel33100292CAY0
13Martinez, Marvin33100403CAY0
14Marzouca, Michael33100195CAY0
15Mias, Felicisimo33100276CAY0
16Mircioiu, Alex33100381CAY0
17Moore, John-Henry33100314CAY0
18Scott, Benjamin33100420CAY0
19Smith, Julius33100217CAY0
20Van Der Windt, Frederick4008294CAY0
21Zhu, Ryan33100411CAY0