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[330749] Copa Fexeg 2023 1a Etapa

Last update 18.06.2023 20:20:48, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1FMCUNHA, Lucas Aguiar309082125404BRA23152319Sc
2SANTANNA, Paulo666142027402BRA19602002Df
3DE SOUZA SA, Apolo47239324225390BRA19272022Go
4COLIVET GAMBOA, Julio Cesar564443949583BRA19182041Go
5ROSA, Paulo Estevao301032126036BRA18752014Go
6SANTOS, Abel Cardoso Dos404822159473BRA18471966Go
7FRANCA JUNIOR, Jairo3842150816BRA17311917Go
8LUZ, Heitor Carvalho221232125633BRA16621733Go
9CAMPOS, Otavio Moraes298882110725BRA16241794Go
10DA SILVA, Caua Borges Leite6924144701721BRA01800Go
11VIEIRA, Henrique7458344732996BRA01762Go
12DA SILVA, Fabio De Moraes Vaz7648744731973BRA01757Go
13DE ANDRADE, Jose A Pereira7736744732953BRA01752Go
14ANDRADE, Gabriel Venancio5527222742972BRA00Go
15CABRAL, Nickson Cezar77620BRA00Go
16CRUZ, Nuno Gabriel Mendes79314BRA00Df