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2023 Karl Sealy Memorial Senior Championships

Seinast dagført19.06.2023 02:15:54, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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1Roach, Philip11100052BAR1994
2Barker, Michael11100079BAR1575
3Harewood, Othneil11100168BAR1488
4Herbert, Allan11100206BAR1476
5La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1388
6Grant, Travis11105399BAR1381
7King, Ernest11106050BAR1161
8Linton, David11104660BAR1122
9Douglas, Mykel11107090BAR0
10Harewood, Sandie11107103BAR0
11Leslie, Heaher11107111BAR0
12Waldron, Owen11107120BAR0