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Chessable Vouchers

1st [£300] - GM Frode Urkedal (7/9)
Tied 2nd [£400/4 = £100 each] - IM Matthew Wadsworth, IM Jonah Willow, GM Boris Chatalbashev, & GM Alex Kovchan (6/9)
Best Junior [£100] - FM Freddy Gordon (5/9)
Norm Seekers [£200/2 = £100 each] - CM Ankush Khandelwal, & Viktor Stoyanov

Sponsors: The Chess Trust, English Chess Federation, & Chessable (The Official Learning Partner)

III Mindsports GM Super Swiss Open (13th - 17th September 2023)

Last update 21.09.2023 16:58:21, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 170)

Player overview for NOR

1GMUrkedal Frode Olav Olsen2506NOR1½1½1½11½711013,20
6IMHaldorsen Benjamin2460NOR1½0½110½½51110-5,70

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMUrkedal Frode Olav Olsen2506 ½ - ½ GMChatalbashev Boris2466
GMGasanov Eldar24765 ½ - ½ IMHaldorsen Benjamin2460

Player details for NOR

GM Urkedal Frode Olav Olsen 2506 NOR Rp:2626 Pts. 7
116IMNagpal Vardaan2322IND5w 1102,60
210IMWillow Jonah B2410ENG6s ½10-1,30
36IMHaldorsen Benjamin2460NOR5w 1104,40
44GMGasanov Eldar2476UKR5,5s ½10-0,40
58IMWadsworth Matthew J2432ENG6w 1104,00
62GMKovchan Alexander2480UKR6s ½10-0,40
715FMBrowning Alex2347GER4,5w 1102,90
822Stoyanov Viktor2262ENG5s 1102,00
95GMChatalbashev Boris2466DEN6w ½10-0,60
IM Haldorsen Benjamin 2460 NOR Rp:2414 Pts. 5
121FMBezuidenhout Roland2267RSA4,5s 1102,50
215FMBrowning Alex2347GER4,5w ½10-1,50
31GMUrkedal Frode Olav Olsen2506NOR7s 010-4,40
49IMOlsen Filip Boe2428DEN5,5w ½10-0,40
519Jones Steven A2289ENG3,5s 1102,70
620CMKhandelwal Ankush2277ENG5,5w 1102,60
78IMWadsworth Matthew J2432ENG6s 010-5,40
817FMO'Gorman Tom2313IRL5,5w ½10-2,00
94GMGasanov Eldar2476UKR5,5s ½100,20