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MASTERS 2023 WOMEN Վերջին արդիացում20.08.2023 14:11:46, Creator/Last Upload: Mauritius Chess-Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
4 | | ANDHIN, CHETHANAH | | MRI | 1474 |
8 | | ACHAM, MERITZA | | MRI | 1410 |
7 | WCM | BEEKHY, AAMIRAH | | MRI | 1356 |
5 | | BERGER, MANON | | MRI | 1248 |
10 | | LEE YOU VOON, STEPHANIE | | MRI | 1141 |
1 | | GUNGADOO, PREETISHA | | MRI | 1126 |
6 | | DINDOYAL, ANUPRIYA | | MRI | 1087 |
2 | | SEETULPERSAND, HEENA | | MRI | 1071 |
3 | | GANESHI, NITISHA | | MRI | 1059 |
9 | | FIDELE, AGNES | | MRI | 1020 |