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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Hindoestaanse Immigratie Blitz Toernooi 2023- Masterklasse

اخر تحديث05.06.2023 20:27:45, منشئ/آخر رفع: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Hanoeman, SuradjSUR2002
2Giasi, VireshSUR1988
3Lautan, ShatishSUR1920
4Ramdat Tewarie, JohnSUR1808
5Yeung, JasonSUR1782
6Ramdat Tewarie, VickeySUR1778
7Kalidjo, ImaanSUR1752
8Kalka, ShivaSUR1742
9Kaslan, CatherineSUR1734
10Haakmat, IgnasioSUR1721
11Bridjlal, KrishanSUR1691
12Chashawa, ShaiefSUR1662
13Karodikromo, VirgilSUR1581
14Wijnhard, Ky-maniSUR1495
15Ramsing, RajivSUR1494
16Kartodikromo, YannickSUR1460
17Warsodikromo, QuincySUR1444
18Kaslan, VictoriaSUR1431
19Klimsop, GarcelloSUR1289
20Harnam, WiwekSUR1287
21Cheung, LexSUR0
22Kalloe, VivekanandSUR0
23Wijnhard, JoelleSUR0