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Hindoestaanse Immigratie Blitz Toernooi 2023 - Novice Meisjesklasse

Darrera actualització05.06.2023 20:21:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Rànquing inicial

1Abhelakh, NishaSUR0
2Bindesar, AnayaSUR0
3Kalpoe, DiyaSUR0
4Kasnawi, AbigailSUR0
5Kewalapat, IshitaSUR0
6Lee, ScarletSUR0
7Pansa, RomelviejaSUR0
8Parshadi, YashilaSUR0
9Pawirodikromo, DaenerysSUR0
10Poetoe, AvantikaSUR0
11Radja, NandiniSUR0
12Ragoenath, ShrutySUR0
13Ramesar, HavishaSUR0
14Tapsi, ShiwikaSUR0
15Wu, SelenaSUR0