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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Hindoestaanse Immigratie Blitz Toernooi 2023 - Novice jongensklasse

اخر تحديث05.06.2023 20:19:44, منشئ/آخر رفع: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Bacha, JaydanSUR0
2Bridjlal, AyushSUR0
3Chen, EricSUR0
4Debi Tewari, AmilSUR0
5Dipotiko, LejaySUR0
6Djojopawiro, NathanSUR0
7Gezius, IsaiSUR0
8Gummels, DamianSUR0
9Herbert, IthamarSUR0
10Ip Fai Chin, SethSUR0
11Jagessar, DhruvSUR0
12Jankie, AryanSUR0
13Kalka, RuudSUR0
14Kalpoe, AlexanderSUR0
15Kasnawi, RaphaelSUR0
16Kewalapat, YashSUR0
17Klimsop, IvanitoSUR0
18Lallaram, ShayanSUR0
19Laurens, IchyreauSUR0
20Li, BrandonSUR0
21Li, SheldonSUR0
22Omapersad, ArushSUR0
23Pengel, JeremySUR0
24Radja, NikhilSUR0
25Raghoe, ShivrajSUR0
26Ramdjan, ZamierSUR0
27Ramsaran, VeerSUR0
28Sedney, SahilSUR0
29Sheomber, AbhirushSUR0
30Soekhoe, ManishSUR0
31Taus, IsmailSUR0
32Tirotaroeno, ZayneSUR0
33Tirtotaroeno, JemerySUR0
34Watchman, JarrelSUR0
35Watson, EdenSUR0
36Zeng, DylanSUR0