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Maarif Schools Tournament 2023 U18

Last update 06.06.2023 10:37:46, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank

1Abdoul, HeriBDI0
2Benimana Don Miguel,BDI0
3Benissa Kwizera,BDI0
4Bepraised Rukundo,BDI0
5Bertrand, LusiquBDI0
6Dusenge Dievé,BDI0
8Hacimana Cédric,BDI0
9Haramategeko, Ange Kim StessyBDI0
10Hassan Seifnarr Bivugire,BDI0
11Ishimwe, Andy CalebBDI0
12Ishimwe, PrilarBDI0
13Kaze Kelly Karelle,BDI0
14Komali Yerasi,BDI0
15Larry Kim Donald Sentore,BDI0
16Maheshbhai, BrahmbhattBDI0
17Mariette Niyukuri,BDI0
18Mugisho, LubalaBDI0
19Ndayambaje, YakeenBDI0
20Nduwimana, Lily FlaviaBDI0
21Niyonizigiye, Sammy PaxBDI0
22Nkurunziza, Christ DanyBDI0
23Nshimirimana Dave,BDI0
24Nshimirimana, KarlaBDI0
25Nubaha, Elie DavidBDI0
26Nungutse, AdelinBDI0
27OMAR Bashar,BDI0
28Sibomana, MikhaelBDI0
30Twagirayezu, JefteBDI0
31Zidona, Mike MorelBDI0
32Zuena, ShabaniBDI0