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June 4 Rapid

Last update 04.06.2023 15:09:53, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank

1Santos, Almer31000398GUM1687
2Szekely, Zoltan31000428GUM1609
3Sanchez, Lance31001424GUM1504
4Justo, James Marcus31002544GUM1402
5Combs, Daniel31000703GUM1377
6Combs, Noah31000711GUM1095
7Benavente, Justin31003290GUM0
8Benzon, Tiffany31001564GUM0w
9Combs, Esther31001599GUM0w
10Galang, Brian Gerard31003320GUM0
11Galang, Luke31002196GUM0
12Gloton, Maria Theresa31002790GUM0w
13Jang, Alex31001645GUM0
14Justo, Alexis Rian31002951GUM0w
15Lee, Joel31001670GUM0
16Lin, Eric31002234GUM0
17Lu, Albert31001955GUM0
18Lu, Mira31001947GUM0w
19Napora, Gable31003060GUM0
20Napora, June31003311GUM0w
21Napora, Wilder31003303GUM0
22Okamoto, Haruki31003079GUM0
23Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM0