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2023 STL Open Chess M.S

Seinast dagført03.06.2023 16:22:08, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1Hoareau, BenjaminSEY2000
2Pillay, RagulSEY1800
3Pillay, HarishSEY1600
4Vital, KeithSEY1525
5Hoareau, RachelleSey1500
6Ramachandran, RajaganesanSEY1450
7Bonne, RobinSEY1300
8Chetty, B. AshwinSEY1250
9Bastienne, RishonSEY1200
10Sekar, KivayaSey1200
11Pillay, ShakthiSEY1000
12Sekar, VishhwaSEY1000
13Vital, IanSEY1000
14Aglae, YoanSEY1300