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Open Rapid Oostkamp/Brugge - speelavond 6

Last update 02.06.2023 23:05:13, Creator/Last Upload: West Flanders Chess Federation License 3

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Starting rank

1IMPiceu, Tom201952V2299
2Piceu, Kurt219843V2043
3Piceu, Jarid241911V1905
4Barzeele, Raf204455V1891
5Boydens, Wim237566V1777
6Rogiers, Jonny220361V1755
7Wydaeghe, Peter232238V1736
8Mortier, JanV1700
9Gellinck, Simon252921V1608
10Mortier, JonahV1515
11Schalembier, Kylian249564V1480
12De Meyere, Dirk214523V1462
13De Ketelaere, Raphael275921V1357
14De Block, Jasper282456V1337
15Riviere, YannickV1216
16Defour, Eline279099V1163
17Lema, JoahBEL1150
18Oyunchimeg, BaagiBEL1000
19Vandendorpe, RogerV1000
20Devos, JasperBEL900
21Claerhout, TiemeBEL700
22Litzba, AlexanderV1650
23Cabooter, WernerV1181
24Daniels, AnneliesV1205