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Wynie Robbertse Open Tournament 2023 E Section

Last update 03.06.2023 14:05:07, Creator/Last Upload: Yolandé Sutil

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Starting rank

1Kgame, OnalennaRSA740
2De, Beer LiamRSA736
3Tan, HermanRSA704
4Bienedell, RobinRSA655
5Dsouza, EthanRSA625
6Wolfaardt, JonothanRSA615
7Gabina, MinaRSA608
8Suban, NusaybahRSA606
9Boshoff, MilahRSA587
10Kleynhans, MagnusRSA587
11Wiehahn, LukeRSA579
12Alberts, EnricoRSA573
13Weyer, EvanRSA558
14Botha, GregoryRSA544
15Malan, DavidRSA517
16Du, Toit WilcoRSA510
17Fourie, MarchantRSA500
18Du, Toit Dawid0