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Arraiá do Xadrez

Senast uppdaterad04.06.2023 01:20:03, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Oliveira

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1Vargas, Roberto Carlos Melgarejo15910
2Oliveira, Olavo Tadeu Carvalho15090
3De Oliveira, Tobias Luiz Carvalho14710
4Campos, Mauro Pedroso De14500
5Berton, Vitor Hugo14050
6Volpato, Alzir13580
7Haubert, Roberto Camargo13420
8Alves, Guilherme Frederico Lopes12900
9Da Silva, Marcelo Batista12860
10Araujo, Joao Pedro Miranda12720
11Vincenzi, Mateus12090
12Viana, Pedro Freire Macedo11600
13Viana, Marcio01774
14Schiavetto, Eduardo01764
15Viana, Miguel01757
16Viana, João01738
17Vincenzi, Tiago01638
18Hugo, Vitor00
19Jaques, Vitor00
20Rebeca, Katlin00
21Schiavetto, Andre00
22Souza, Hugo00