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U12 10. European Union Youth Championship

Posledná aktualizácia 15.08.2012 11:44:15, Creator: Jugendschach Steiermark,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband

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Štartová listina

1Mesaros FlorianAUT2045
2Vykouk JanCZE1966
3Uksini BardhylAUT1909
4Novy FilipCZE1875
5Toth TamasHUN1826
6Ly DominikAUT1815
7Sandu Marian-CatalinROU1815
8Mesaros SebastianAUT1776
9WCMRadeva ViktoriaBUL1767w
10Slade TheodoreENG1732
11Brandis BenjaminSUI1731
12Mirza DianaIRL1712w
13Goldie ThomasSUI1710
14Nikic SasoSLO1691
15Calin AlexandruROU1675
16Tölly MichaelAUT1666
17Sanati CharlotteGER1616w
18Szakasics EmeseHUN1601w
19WCMMorvay EszterSVK1572w
20Zunic GregorSLO1568
21Wilwert LorisLUX1546
22Suta TomazSLO1541
23Blond Hanten ElsaLUX1488w
24Schloffer Jasmin-DeniseAUT1480w
25Kovacec KlemenSLO1404
26Mouthuy Jacky-LongLUX1350
27Bin-Suhayl IbraheemENG0
28Busuioc AlexandraAUT0w
29Cvitan EnaCRO0w
30De Coninck ErikBEL0
31Eranne JaniFIN0
32Kalinova EliskaCZE0w
33Koch-Müller VictorDEN0
34Kumpen JonaBEL0
35Mc Cusker KirstySCO0w
36Migunova AleksandraLAT0w
37Ramsdal LasseDEN0
38Tkachenko JekaterinaEST0w