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2nd Philippine National Children Chess Championships U12 Girls Grand Finals

Darrera actualització30.05.2023 07:43:28, Creador: byrongvillar,Darrera càrrega: Philippines Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Magallanes, Princess Rane5250889PHI1185
2Hilario, Gllasea Ann5239281PHI1171
3Castronuevo, Elle5262100PHI1167
4ACMCruz, Daniella Bianca5232139PHI1166
5Alba, Heavn Rouize A.PHI0
6Anacio, Jewelle Iris5254477PHI0
7Castronuevo, Deandra5262097PHI0
8Gonzales, Zion Zenigel5281440PHI0
9Guiao, Patricia MoniquePHI0
10Ibadlit, Alaine ZeniaPHI0
11Lepaopao, Maureinn5285526PHI0
12Mora, Odyross Raeca5274290PHI0
13Obana, Armea ChinPHI0
14Ruiz, AndreaPHI0
15Ruiz, JheryllPHI0
16Sebastian, Ghierzen Lhou5248108PHI0
17Sotto, Veah JanePHI0
18Torena, Zafirah Jahly5266734PHI0