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2023 m. Lietuvos šachmatų čempionato finalas

Last update 13.06.2023 14:10:22, Creator/Last Upload: Vaznonis Donatas. (LTU)

Starting rank list of players

4GMLaurusas, Tomas12803731LTU2548
9GMStremavicius, Titas12804444LTU2540
1GMKazakouski, Valery13507443LTU2538
7GMPultinevicius, Paulius12809390LTU2530
6GMSulskis, Sarunas12800112LTU2497
2IMSarakauskas, Gediminas12800724LTU2390
10FMJuksta, Karolis12809039LTU2377
3FMVedrickas, Tautvydas12802654LTU2354
8FMIndriunas, Matas12812897LTU2259
5Pidluznij, Gleb12817082LTU2243