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English Womens Championships 2023

Last update 29.05.2023 14:59:04, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11WGMToma, KatarzynaENG23864ncl Wood Green5,5020,522,5
27WCMVarney, ZoeENG20814ncl Blackthorne Russia502225
34WFMKueh, AudreyENG2148Guildford502124
42Hryshchenko, KamilaENG2235West Sussex *5018,521
53WCMPert, Nina PENG2153Brentwood4,5021,523,5
69Rida, RuqayyahENG2013Essex Juniors4,502021,5
710AIMSubramanian, AnushaENG2012Maidenhead4,5016,518
85WFMLongson, Sarah NENG2129Marple4021,523,5
911Sivanandan, BodhanaENG1993Harrow4018,520
108Dicen, Elis DeneleENG2022Coventry Chess Academy401819,5
1113Maton, EmilyENG1966Hertfordshire Juniors3,5021,524,5
126Weersing, Abigail RENG2112Essex Juniors3,5017,519
1316Hariharan, ShambaviENG1812West Nottingham3,5016,518
1420Jayawarna, ThisumiENG1695Tameside Juniors3017,519,5
1519Catabay, MaeENG1726Colchester Junior3016,518,5
1612WCMSheikh, AnumENG1971Chingford301618
1715AFMLatypova, Olga LENG1872Chelmsford2,501819,5
1814Gamal, AlaaENG1892Basildon2014,516
1922Gorrepati, SoumyaENG1612London *201415,5
2021Sengenberger, SaraENG1624Cowley2013,515
2117ACMMilewska, AgnieszkaENG1804Ealing2011,513
2218Walker, KateENG1755Telepost (Shrewsbury)1,501516,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)