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2023 Scholastics U 13 Chess Championships

Last update 21.05.2023 21:22:54, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1Sinckler, MilekeBAR1269
2Jaikaran, AaronBAR1221
3Reifer-Belle, ChazBAR1011
4Berry, AlexanderBAR0
5Boyce, DerickBAR0
6Grazette, AkeliBAR0
7Griffith, JonathanBAR0
8Herbert, JaedaBAR0
9Lewis, NaomiBAR0
10Little, SavionBAR0
11Pilgrim, JudahBAR0
12Reid, NathanBAR0
13Sandiford, AmiriBAR0
14Simmons Patterson, NathanBAR0
15Stuart, CharisBAR0
16Toppin, DarrenBAR0
17Valles Desrochers, LiamBAR0
18Williams, CalebBAR0
19Williams, SageBAR0
20Williams, ShakirBAR0
21Yearwood, LiamBAR0