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Ayr Congress Major

Darrera actualització21.05.2023 19:56:37, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Aitchison, A Keith2403072SCO1671
2Watson-Mcfie, Joseph2408872SCO1624
3Wood, Ryan489980ENG1620
4Railwani, Tavish2410249SCO1614
5Ash, Michael2405105SCO1583
6Macdonald, Alex2408880SCO1579
7Mittal, Advik2410206SCO1578
8Gibb, Robert A2407779SCO1575
9Walkowiak, Adam2405806SCO1574
10Zamvar, Vipin2403749SCO1563
11Mckay, Ruairidh2406500SCO1557
12Robertson, Jim2403471SCO1555
13Macgilchrist, Siegrun2401681SCO1554
14Mcpherson, Shea2408791SCO1549
15Pearston, John M2405202SCO1548
16Mcdade, James2408651SCO1546
17Kerridge, Simon2404338SCO1543
18Mcnaught, Jordan J2410656SCO1539
19Deighan, Matthew J2411881SCO1514
20Hiatt, Alan P421081ENG1460
21Russell, Graeme R2406225SCO1448
22Nield, Christopher2410044SCO1430
23Del Mar, Tristan Isaac2410257SCO1405
24Neil, Douglas2410630SCO1286
25Wardlaw, Tom2410591SCO1234
26Alomenu, Gilbert2400944SCO1197
27Mitraka, Chrysa2409968SCO1071
28Lewthwaite, Andrew2412454SCO0
29Saunders, Benjamin2412403SCO0
30Wood, Joe2412268SCO0