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Fredericia Chess 2023 Candidate Group

Senast uppdaterad21.05.2023 21:16:42, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

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1Hansen, Lars1402528DEN2181
2Zander, Emil1467123DEN2165
3AIMKoch-Muller, Oscar1447955DEN2098
4Topholm, Morten1404687DEN2073
5Thorsen, Adrian Stenstrop1473760DEN2062
6WFMGuindy, Esmat Susanne1401637DEN2053
7WFMGalvan Cipriani, Viviana32041144ESP2049
8Perets, Dmitry14174456DEN2041
9Madsen, Michael B.1413031DEN2040
10Hollesen, Kurt1406817DEN1937