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Asian Continental Men Chess Championship 2023

Last update 11.06.2023 14:49:40, Creator/Last Upload: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 7)

Player overview for TKM

26IMAtabayev Saparmyrat2433TKM110½011015,518Standard - Men

Results of the last round for TKM

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMAtabayev SaparmyratTKM2433 1 - 0 IMNugumanov BakhtiyarKAZ2316

Player details for TKM

IM Atabayev Saparmyrat 2433 TKM Rp:2319 Pts. 5,5
168FMFancy Stuart1930PNG2,5s 1
287Syzdyk Samir1524KAZ3,5w 1
39GMDaneshvar Bardiya2555IRI6,5w 0
440IMDushyant Sharma2345IND3,5s ½
513GMDas Sayantan2508IND4,5w 0
654Moldagali Beksultan2106KAZ4,5s 1
749FMBaasansuren Erdene2264MGL5w 1
84GMSethuraman S.P.2606IND6,5s 0
945IMNugumanov Bakhtiyar2316KAZ4,5w 1