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2023 Tshwane North School District CLOSED Individual Championships (D3) U11

Last update 15.05.2023 16:30:36, Creator/Last Upload: Jacob Rachoene

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Starting rank

1Khumalo, Lindokuhle1286Ubuhle-Bezwe
2Grahan, Tylo869Laerskool Wonderboom
3Jonker, Tertius837Laerskool Wonderboom
4Herbst, A Le Roux793Laerskool Wonderboom
5Van Niekerk, Christiaan Davi743Laerskool Wonderboom
6Ebersohn, Gerhard702Laerskool Magalieskruin
7Kruger, Brenden635Laerskool Magalieskruin
8Smith, Eduan564Laerskool Magalieskruin
9Bonnin, MarcoRSA500Laerskool Wonderboom
10Erasmus, Heinrich500Laerskool Wonderboom
11Haupt, Joshua500Laerskool Wonderboom
12Beetha, Glen Tlotlo0Loratong Primary School
13Dube, Thabo0Tsebe Ntlha Primary School
14Ghebremedhin, Milaat0Laerskool Pierneef
15Letsoalo, Pitso0Ntsha-Peu
16Mahlangu, Amukelani0Ntsha-Peu
17Mahlangu, Samugelo0Ntsha-Peu
18Malungane, Rethabile0Redirile Primary
19Manganye, Neo0Ntsha-Peu
20Maodi, Oratile0Tsebe Ntlha Primary School
21Mashaba, Precious Shila0Loratong Primary School
22Mathibela, Simphiwe0Tsebe Ntlha Primary School
23Mnyangeni, Siyabonga0Rapelego Primary
24Mogano, Hlelo0Marokolong Primary School
25Molese, Simphiwe0Ntsha-Peu
26Nhlapo, Kelvin0Ntsha-Peu
27Nkoana, Kgomotso0Marokolong Primary School
28Sithole, Ontshiametse0Rapelego Primary
29Swaratlhe, Golekane0Ntsha-Peu
30Teane, Otlotleng0Mabu-A-Tlou
31Tsie, Kgodiso0Phalesane Primary
32Vilakazi, Kgosietsile0Ubuhle-Bezwe